Oddity #0001

Oddity Nickname: "Fake NameTags"

Oddity Type: "Occurance"

Risk to Users: Safe

Oddity Status: Dormant

A screenshot taken in October 2012 by an anonymous user with around many instances of "#0001-A" floating in the sky, moving in a path similar to that of the migration of a bird.

Oddity #0001

Oddity Nickname: "Fake NameTags"

Oddity Type: "Occurance"

Risk to Users: Safe

Oddity Status: Dormant

Oddity #0001 is an irregular event that once started, brings together a pack of 10-25 instances of Oddity #0001-A.

In the beginning of the event, 1-2 instances of #0001-A will emerge from the ground, then proceed to split, in an event similar to mitosis. This process repeats until there are about 10-20 instances. Once done, the instance will begin to slowly float towards the direction closest to the edge of the map, and proceed to go off into the void.

Oddity #0001-A

Oddity Nickname: "eggs"

Oddity Type: "Occurance"

Risk to Users: Neutral

Oddity Status: Dormant

A screenshot taken slightly after the first, showing multiple more instances of #0001-A floating towards the edge of the map.

Oddity #0001-A

Oddity Nickname: "eggs"

Oddity Type: "Entity

Risk to Users: Neutral

Oddity Status: Dormant

Oddity #0001-A is an instance of a fake NameTag that comes out of the #0001 event. It takes the appearance of a player's NameTag, but with the username "eggs."

#0001-A possesses the capability to reproduce asexually, through mitosis. It can also have reactions to its environment, shown by the detection of the nearest path towards the void, and response to players interacting with it. If a player is around 5 studs away from an instance of #0001-A, it will enter what is called a Aggressive state, stopping it's current objective to float towards the player and attack them. The attack is similar to that of a bird pecking it's beak at a human, removing 35 Health from your Humanoid property. It is unknown if the instance can grow and/or change, nor produce energy.

Since 2014, there have been no spottings of Oddity #0001 or Oddity #0001-A, although you can most likely still view it in older, archived ROBLOX clients.

"Detecting, nullifying, amplifying."